Welcome to world precious Baby F.!
Baby F. was born on July 21st 2020, weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Her mama, Sophia, immediately fell in love with her very first child. Mom and baby had a difficult start in their journey together, but their amazing story is nothing short of a miracle.

Sophia is the type of person that you love immediately upon meeting. Upbeat, bubbly, and with a gorgeous smile and infectious laugh, you can’t help but gravitate towards her. I first met Sophia at a Thrive Express Savannah event, where she was newly pregnant and unsure as to whether or not she wanted to keep her baby.
Sophia told us that she deeply felt prayers of so many, and God fervently placed on Sophia’s heart the decision to keep the precious gift she carried within her. What a blessing! Look at this sweet face … isn’t she just perfection … created by the hand of God.

Sophia had a very difficult pregnancy. She had two large fibroids in her uterus that gave her a tremendous amount of pain, as well as a lot of uncomfortable swelling. Baby F. was born via C-section due to her position in the womb. After delivery, Baby F. spent the next six days in the NICU battling jaundice. Meanwhile, Sophia became very ill and had to have 4 pints of fluid removed from around her heart! If that weren’t enough, she also needed a blood transfusion.

It was a rough start, but mom and baby both made a full recovery! Sophia said she yet again felt the hand of God and the prayers of many over her and her sweet baby girl during that trying time. She gives God the glory for healing them and for guiding her to choose life! She said she can’t imagine life without her precious daughter and is incredibly grateful for the decision she made. And now she has a lifetime of memories with her baby girl to look forward to.

Sophia didn’t hesitate to want to share her story in the hopes that it will help other mothers choose life. We are thankful for her openness and bravery, and grateful for the Lord’s steadfastness and love.