About Megan
trusts immediately and loves without abandon
is constantly striving for perfection
has a huge sweet tooth
is surrounded by the love of 2 adorable little boys and 1 incredibly handsome, supportive man
simply digs this crazy, exciting, whirlwind adventure of being an army wife
wears her heart on her sleeve and whose feelings are easily hurt
isn’t embarrassed to whip her camera out at every. single. event. (just ask her kiddos)
believes a smile and hug from her children is the best remedy for absolutely anything
loves to decorate her house, shop & read
is amazingly proud to be american and proud to show it/flaunt it/scream it from the roof-tops
will make s’mores in the microwave
cries at the drop of a hat, including during hallmark commercials and disney movies
loves to scrapbook and really needs to carve out more time to do it
loves Jesus, working every day to be someone worth dying for. failing miserably and trying again. and again. and again
thinks kids are supposed to get messy. really, really messy
truly should exercise more than she does
is fiercely loyal
pretends your opinion of her doesn’t matter, but it does. a lot
loves a good laugh. and chocolate
thinks every child should own a dog
hangs on to stuff way too long
needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night but rarely gets it
is always looking to meet new friends
will have an impromptu dance party in the family room. by herself
believes in the power of prayer