Let us introduce to you this sweet little 10 months old blue eyed, red haired, absolutely adorable baby boy … Baby H.! Doesn’t he look so dapper in that little blue jumper? And that smile!

Baby H. had a great time hamming it up for the camera and you can tell he is the true entertainer of his family. He has a huge captive audience to perform for at home that’s for sure.

Little guy…you sure make us laugh!
Outfit and prop change. We have a selection of adorable outfits for littles ones to wear for their portrait sessions. You are also free to bring your own favorite outfits. Baby H. looks so handsome in light blue!

Now we would like to introduce to you Moose! Moose was an 11 year old Boxer. Sadly, Moose passed away not long after this portrait session was complete. He had been diagnosed with many health problems over the years. Even so, Moose continued to be the light and joy of his family right up until his last days with them.

Baby H. and Moose had a very special bond. There’s nothing like the relationship between a boy and his dog. Moose loved and protected Baby H. since the moment they met.

Time for a little block building with my best friend, Moose.

Two sweet boys.

We have a huge selection of props we can use in our portrait sessions. You may also bring items from home such as a special blanket, book or toy. Family heirlooms also add something personal to your portraits making them even more meaningful.

What a pleasure it was celebrating this little boy and his dear dog in portraits! Moose gave this his family 11 years of love, fun, and companionship. What a precious gift! We love to capture these milestones in your child’s life and give our families beautiful memories to last a lifetime.