Moms always do a fantastic job of documenting their children’s lives all the way from birth to college. You only have to look at a mother’s social media pages to see how much they cherish the big and small moments in their children’s lives. Every milestone is important to them.
Moms are no strangers to scrapbooking, blogging, and documenting their child’s special moments, but the problem is that they often leave themselves out of their collection of pictures.
Occasionally (and sadly), moms will ask to be left out of portraits when they bring their children in for a session. We urge EVERY mom to be in more pictures with her children and every mom deserves to feel good about the way she looks in those portraits. Here are a few tips to help you look fabulous in front of the camera.

Keep that smile natural. There’s nothing more beautiful than a natural smile or laugh so do what it takes to smile as sincerely as possible. Your photographer should also assist in bringing out natural smiles in everyone.
Angle your body. It’s time to put all those yoga classes to good use! In order to make your hips look narrower and your shoulders wider, aim to position your body at a ninety-degree angle from the photographer. Now, simply turn your hips towards the camera, square your shoulders, and pop the knee closest to the photographer. This helps pull your hips and booty away from the lens, making them appear smaller.
Use your children as props. Many women really can’t stand looking at themselves in pictures or prefer to hide certain parts of their bodies. If this is the case for you, have your children stand or sit in front of you to avoid being the main focus of the image.
Keep that chin down. Despite what you might think, sticking your chin in the air doesn’t make for a flattering portrait. By keeping your chin down, you create shadows and contours that will compliment your face. If you’re worried about having a double chin, lean forward slightly to prevent this from happening.
Tone down your outfit. A busy outfit is not the best route to go if you’re looking to go slightly unnoticed in a picture. Keep your clothing simple in order to hide anything that you don’t want to draw attention to. Not a fan of your arms? Choose a long or 3/4 length sleeve top. Legs got you down? Opt for a long skirt or denim jeans.
Use natural lighting. Forget the camera flash and opt to have your photos taken in a room where there’s tons of natural light. It truly makes the best images!
We all have something about ourselves we might prefer to change; whether it’s those last few pounds of baby weight, hair that has thinned with the rise and fall of hormones, or wrinkles that have appeared with age. But as a mom, you must ask yourself, is your legacy as a mother being documented? You are doing a great job of memorializing your children’s life stories, but are you leaving out one of their favorite characters?
I know you only want to be photographed looking and feeling your “best” – but your kiddos want YOU. They want to be able to look back and see their mom as she was – sometimes gracefully put together yes, but also messy, undone, beautifully imperfect. And isn’t that exactly the definition of motherhood? Now go take a picture with your little one.