…sock monkeys, that is …
This blog post will have more than the usual number of pictures just because I love this family and have truly enjoyed photographing them over the past year. Yup, Mr. C. is another one of my sweet newborns who recently celebrated his first birthday. Hard to believe, but it’s true. Mr. C has come to see me 4 times over the past 12 months … and for you other photogs out there, you know how much these types of clients become not only friends, but almost family in a way.
Such a gorgeous fam … mom always does a great job of coordinating.
Chairs are always a hit, especially the fancy leather ones. This kid has great taste.
Hello handsome.
Not showing so much love for the sock monkey here, but at least there are zero tears. No tears are good.
Ah! Love me some baby grins! And baby teeth!
Clearly someone is waaaay more exciting than me, but I am not complaining. Remember the no crying rule?
Balloons are some kind of awesomeness. Totally mom’s idea, and I loved it. So festive!
Serious cake eaters crack me up! I always want to say, “It’s a party!!! Woohoo!!!”
Mr. C, if you are trying to share with me, yes … yes, I would love a taste!
Mom & Dad, thank you so much for trusting me with your sweet little man and your family. It has truly been a blessing to have known you!
I pray our paths will meet again!