Have a graduating senior in your life?!? Not sure what to get them for graduation? SAVE THIS POST!
Want a quick cheat guide to what the senior in your life wants for graduation!?! Here’s our TOP FIVE list!
1. Something personalized: whether it be a necklace, bracelet, initial earrings, or cufflinks … it doesn’t matter! Sentimental gifts top the charts!
2. Something for college: seniors love receiving something they can take with them on the next chapter of their lives. Consider gifting a bedding set, picture board, or bath set to help them settle into their new home.
3. Something techy: you’d be surprised how college can have you reaching for your Kindle, headphones, or mobile chargers! While this is definitely a more pricey gift, it’s probably the most functional!
4. Something to read: most grads have at least a little anxiety when it comes to moving in to college. You can help ease their fears by gifting them books about how to make it work! We love “The Naked Roomate,” & “Do Your Laundry or You’ll Die Alone.”
5. Something green: yes we had to go there. Grads don’t just WANT money… they’re going to NEED it where they’re going! So load up a Starbucks card, their fave fast food card, and even an all use Visa card and they’ll be set!
UPCOMING GRADS: do YOU have anything to add to this list?!? Let us know in the comments!