Wondering how often you should update your family portraits? This is what you need to know.
Busy schedules, family commitments, and lengthy to-do lists mean families don’t always find the time to update their family portraits.
The years also seem to be going by faster and faster, which is especially true when you have children. As parents, you don’t want to miss the chance to capture your child’s milestones or how much you’ve changed as a family.
So, how often should you be updating your family portraits? Ideally, you should aim for once every year, and here’s why:

Future Generations. While you are taking photos for yourself, you are also making sure that future generations have amazing images that they can look back on, too. Your children and grandchildren will thank you for it, trust us. 😉
Make Memories. By making a point of updating your family portraits on a regular basis, you’re taking the time to be with your family and create new memories. You never know when your family dynamics could change so capture those special moments whenever you can.
Brings You Family Together. Beautiful images remind families of their love for one another – pictures illicit joy and warm feelings. In times of trouble, family portraits can bring comfort and help heal wounds.
Time isn’t Guaranteed. We dislike mentioning it, but life happens. You never know when the last opportunity for family portraits will come. Please do not take for granted the time you have together.
Professional Images Last a Lifetime. While we are a society that is constantly snapping photos on our phones and uploading them to social media, investing in professional portraits gives you a completely different result. Not only will a professional know how to compose and edit each image to perfection, but theirs are the highest quality and are perfect to print for wall art, albums, and family gifts.
Document Your Family’s Growth. You never realize how quickly your kids are growing until you look back at pictures of them or you run into someone who hasn’t seen them in a while. By updating your family portraits annually, you can document your family’s growth, creating a beautiful series of portraits you will treasure forever.
When was the last time you had family portraits taken? Is it time for an update? Fall is a popular time – be sure to schedule early for the best availability.