Over the past 12 years in business, I’ve encountered quite a few myths surrounding all sorts of photography, from pets to high school seniors to even family sessions. And we all know the best way to conquer misinformation is to educate! So over the next several weeks, we will tackle some of the biggest (and most often heard) myths in the photography industry. And like always, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Photography Myth #1: “Newborn pictures must be done right after the baby is born … within the first week is a must!”
This is, by far, one of the most common misconceptions we hear. Contrary to popular belief, newborns can be successfully photographed 3-4 weeks after birth. We’ve even had great success with babies as old as six weeks! Here at MMP, our preference is 2-3 weeks after birth. The week immediately following birth needs to be a time of rest, for everyone. You are learning to become a new family of 3 (or more), and this transition takes time. Mom and baby have both undergone a rather traumatic and exhausting experience. Rushing into a newborn session may cause unnecessary stress to both mom and baby. Prioritizing bonding time between mom and baby is essential and one we wish to encourage. In addition, many baby boys will be recovering from a circumcision that requires time to heal. If you’ve had a baby before, then you’re also well aware that newborns can experience dramatic changes in skin color and appearance. Depending on the length of active labor, some babies may have minor swelling and bruising. Waiting several days allows most of these conditions to pass or fade.
While it’s true that babies are the most “squishy” and sleepy during those first precious weeks, many traditional newborn poses can be accomplished with older newborns. While we do encourage families to schedule their newborn session during the third trimester, please do not feel newborn portraits are out of reach if your baby is older than the norm. As long as your photographer has room in their calendar and experience with newborns, beautiful images are absolutely possible.